Sunday, November 21, 2010

Al-Quran dan Astronomi

Bagi kalangan yang beragama seperti orang Islam mereka yakin bahawa Al-Quran itu ada memberi petunjuk akan perihal alam semesta. Misalnya dalam Al-Quran pada surah Al-Imran : 190,191 ada ayat yang membawa maksud

"sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi 'orang-orang berakal' iaitu orang-orang yang mengikut Allah baik mereka yang berdiri, duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan juga mereka yang memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi seraya berkata : Ya Tuhan kami tidaklah Engkau menciptakan itu dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka."

Pada ayat di atas makna langit tidak lain melainkan satu ruang yang mengisikan alam semesta. Langit yang dulunya mungkin ditafsirkan sebagai ruang yang mengisi tata suria kita sudah tidak secocok lagi kerana tata suria kita merupakan sebahagian yang amat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan saiz alam semesta. Malahan bumi yang manusia menghuni saat ini boleh diibaratkan seperti sebuah zarah yang berada pada saiz bumi itu sendiri. Sementara keadaan langit yang bagaikan tergantung itu bererti baik secara tersirat mahupun tersurat bagaikan mesti ada sesuatu kuasa besar yang mengaturnya jika tidak akan terjadi pertempuran antara galaksi mahupun pentempiaran planet-planet di mana-mana di rentangan alam semesta kita.

Kosmologi, Astronomi, Sains dan Ketuhanan - Majalah Sains

Apa itu alam semesta? Alam semesta merupakan sebuah ruang yang amat luas dan di dalamnya terisi semua jirim dan tenaga yang terwujud. Manusia yang menghuni di planet bumi adalah antara komponen yang amat kecil dalam alam semesta. Alam semesta penuh dengan misteri dan manusia yang sama ada berpandukan sains dan agama sentiasa atau saling mencari atau membongkar rahasia alam semesta untuk memberi kepuasan intelektual dan spiritual yang alam semesta ini diatur oleh satu hukum yang dipercayai sama ada bersumber daripada satu kuasa ghaib mahupun daripada satu hukum atau undang-undang tabii yang mengikat semua yang terkandung dalam alam semesta ini.

Kini kita berada pada satu tahap yang amat menarik dalam kemajuan sains dan teknologi di mana penemuan-penemuan hebat sedang berlaku bukan saja dalam arena astronomi dan fizik malahan dalam banyak bidang sains yang lain. Saintis sebenarnya sedang berusaha untuk memahami segala-galanya mengenai dunia dan alam semesta sehingga ke peringkat akar umbinya. Persoalan-persoalan seperti quark, elektron, proton, neutron dan zarah-zarah asas yang lain telah dilontarkan. Sekarang saintis seperti Profesor Stephen Hawking telah mula mengutarakan pertanyaan seperti “ Kenapa semua zarah-zarah ini wujud, kenapa mereka memiliki ciri-ciri sedemikian dan adakah apa-apa tujuan kewujudan mereka ? Apakah gerangan tujuan kenapa Big Bang sepatutnya berlaku ? Sejak Big Bang berlaku sekitar 13 bilion tahun dahulu apakah nanti takdir masa depan alam semesta? Akan berkembang teruskah alam semesta untuk selama-lamanya atau perkembangannya akan satu hari kelak menemui titik nol dan apakah alam semesta akan satu hari nanti mula menguncup pula menuju ke titik zarah? Apa akan terjadi pada ketika itu? Adakah alam semesta akan kekal sebagai satu titik selama-lamanya atau akan disusuli pula dengan satu lagi peristiwa Big Bang kedua ? Maka tidak hairanlah ramai pengulas mengenai penyelidikan sains kini telah meluahkan komen-komen seperti “ Saintis sekarang seperti Profesor Stephen Hawking sudah berlagak seperti Tuhan !

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Power of a Name ??

Numerologically, a beautiful name may have a number which seems to be strong, sweet, sounds great, supportive and powerful. A beautiful name may have a number whose body is strong and supportive but little is known about the hidden numbers or the soul numbers which could be venomous. Movements of this numbers will touch and influence you for the rest of your life; in different senses, in different ways, in any shapes, in any designs, from any angles, from any corners and from multiple dimensions.
An altered signature from Q Dimensy using ancient four pillars calculations does not only contributes to life's reality but needs and emotions, cause and effects, power and fame, behaviour and characters, health and wealth, relationship and compatibility, business and career advancement with cent-percent accuracy.

Do all Muslim names have to be Arabic in origin?

Over 85% of the world's Muslims do not speak Arabic as their native language, and are not culturally Arabs at all. Is it acceptable to give a Muslim baby a Turkish, Persian, Indonesian, or other name from a different culture, instead of an Arabic name? Do non-Arab Muslim converts need to change their names?
In Islam, the meaning of a name is the most important. Just because a name stems from a certain language or culture, doesn't mean that it has a good Islamic meaning.
During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, several of his companions changed their own Arabic names, because the meanings of their names connoted wickedness. For example, someone named Harb ("war") had his name changed to Silm ("peace"), and one named Al-Munba'ith ("one who lies") became Al-Mudtaji' ("one who stands up," i.e. for the truth). So an Arabic name is not automatically an appropriate name for a Muslim.
As a universal faith, Muslims come from many different cultures and speak hundreds of different languages. If one wants to use some of the recommended boys and girls' names from the Qur'an or Islamic history, then of course the name will be of Arabic origin. There are also many traditional and popular Arabic names which are recognizable as Muslim names. But if one would like to choose another meaningful name, one from another language is perfectly acceptable.
Islam does not oblige Muslim people to choose specific names, Arabic or non-Arabic, for their children, whether boys or girls. It is rather up to people to choose the names for their children. However, selecting names should be pursuant to some Islamic rules that will be stated below. Islam emphasizes that Muslims should have good names and give good names to their children.
It is reported in a Hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
"You will be called on the Day of Resurrection by your names and the names of your fathers, so have good names." (Reported by Abu Dawud)

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

"Children are a trust in the hands of parents. Parents, therefore, have a duty to receive this divine gift with a true sense of gratitude and do everything at their disposal to provide the best nurturing. There is nothing better they can do in this regard than by providing them a home filled with love and kindness, and thus contributing to their overall physical, intellectual, ethical and spiritual growth and development. Such a duty begins before the birth of the child and extends all through their lives. Having said this, I must say, that the first important duty when a child is born is to recite the adhan in the right ear in a gentle voice, and give him or her good name.

As for the choice of names, we are given the following guidelines:

1. We must certainly avoid names that indicate any trace of shirkor association of partners with Allah. Therefore it is forbidden to call someone `Abd al-Ka`bah, or `Abd al-Nabi (servant of the Ka`bah or servant of the Prophet), since all of us are servants of Allah alone.

2. We must also avoid names that imply meanings that are offensive or unpleasant in connotations. The Prophet changed names such as Harb (War) with Salam (Peace), 'Asiyah (Rebellious) with Jamilah (Beautiful), Sa`b (Difficult) with Sahl (Easy to deal with), etc.

3. We are encouraged to give names that have good or noble meanings or associations, for names may inadvertently inspire a person to do great things or stay away from vices. Choosing names of prophets or great persons who have been role models of virtue and piety is an excellent idea. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) named his son Ibrahim, and he said,"I have called him by my father's name!"

There is nothing in the Islamic sources to indicate that we are allowed only to give our children Arabic names. Since Islam is a universal religion, there is no such requirement. Any name is okay so long as we keep in mind the above points. But, at the same time, while choosing names, we must strive our best not to compromise our Islamic identity.

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Sunday, November 07, 2010


Master Dvijay

Q Dimensy : : Billionaire Signature : : 
Secrets of Sequence  and Proportions 

Numerologically, a beautiful name may have a number which seems to be strong, sweet, sounds great, supportive and powerful. But little is known about the hidden numbers underneath the names which could be venomous. Movements of this numbers will touch and influence you for the rest of your life. In different senses, in different ways, in any shapes, in any designs, from any angles, from any corners and from multiple dimensions. Numbers vibrate according to the thoughts and vice versa. It even creates and controls our character, our behaviour pattern and the way we think; a devils mind or an angel's heart. The needs, the motives and desires for survival manifested from here. 

The causes and effects of day to day happenings in your life is the secretive work of this mysterious numbers. When things happen and we don't know the answer, we call it fate. Fate is not born. Fate was created and sealed through the name given by our parents the day we are born. And the names have numbers. Even twins born on the same date, month and year have different characters. Why? It is because they have different names. 

There are 81 numerical sequences originated from root numbers 1 to 9. Their play and influences are certainly felt by us. It is all about life and debt situation. A perfect tool but we are the imperfect users. Numbers have force and power only when you use it diligently. I am the founder and gatekeeper of Q Dimensy, a dimensional code of sequences and proportions of four pillars Empirical System calculations, believed to minimize and control unexpected or unavoidable events in our life including premature death. An altered signature created by me not only contributes to life's reality but needs and emotions, cause and effects, power and fame, behaviour and characters, health and wealth, relationship and compatibility including business and career advancements. 

My humble aim here is to provoke awareness in uniting, neutralizing, controlling and stabilizing nature's vibration with you. Again like I said… it's a life and debt situation. Create a relationship with numbers. Create a numeric manifestation. Get Q Dimensified. I saw the effects, I saw the results, I am the solution. 

Master Dvijay : The Gatekeeper – Q Dimensy 
+6019 3649 993